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Funny People
6221. John Q. Taxpayer
The one whose money is being wasted by the gubbament on this and that.
Funny Sayings
6222. Nine Cents Short of a Dime
A colorful way to call someone crazy. See also Insults.
Funny Things
6223. The Oort Cloud
This immense cloud surrounding our entire Solar System 30 trillion miles away from the Sun. See also Astronomy.
Funny Foods
6226. Cockenthrice
Medieval dish consisting of a capon sewed onto the body of a suckling pig, roasted and stuffed. See also Recipes.
Funny Foods
6228. Screaming Yellow Zonkers
Revolutionary social change in a snack food, this iconic 70's candied popcorn made you feel like you were getting something over on "The Man", and somehow doing something subversive. See also 70's, Snacks.
Funny Insults
6229. Nutter
A person that absolutely goes off; a person like Tyler who contributes thousands of words to this website.
Funny Places
6230. Horse Cave, Kentucky
Even horses need a place to meditate and escape the fast pace of life once in a while. See also Animals.