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Funny Diseases
6262. Sicka Yer Shit
The patient complains that he or she's "had it", that they're in the right, or that they've somehow been tormented by the disease's carrier. Highly contagious and often contracted at work or even among family members. Early onset can bring irritation, pursed lips, lack of interest in meaningless tasks, and unexplained staring. See also Profanity.
Funny Things to Do
6266. Clogging
Funny Diseases
6267. Boogie Fever
Can pop up anywhere good music is played, i.e. in car, at home, at friends. Symptoms include dancing while sitting, drumming on something that is not a drum, or just getting up and dancing. See Isaac Hayes, James Brown, Curtis Mayfield, et al. See also Dances, Music.
Funny Products
6268. Yosemite Sam "Back Off" Mudflaps Shop
I saw them on an APC in Iraq. Freakin' hilarious. See also Cars.
Funny Songs
6269. Yes, We Have No Bananas Shop
Famous Billy Jones song from the 1920's. See also 20's, Food.
Funny Clothes
6270. Fake Leather Jackets Shop
C'mon, be a man and save your money and then get a real leather jacket. You'll thank yourself.