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Funny Conveyances
6271. Mini Bikes
Gotta be homemade, small A-frame, usually a lawn mower or some other small engine, always smells like gasoline. Very loud rrringggg-rinngg sound, with pure blue smoke streaming out. The signature white trash creation. Believe me. I know.
Funny Toys
6272. Sit 'N Spin
Exactly thatkid sits on a plastic circle and cranks a smaller circle, causing kid to spin around. Available in landfills everywhere. See also 70's.
Funny Conveyances
6273. Sneakers With Wheels
As if Americans aren't fat enough, we now have kids' sneakers with wheels in the heel. Great. See also Children, Clothes, Shoes.
Funny Jobs
6274. Herpetologist
Someone who studies frogs (and reptiles and other amphibians). See also Science.