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Funny Things to Do
6772. Horseplay
Basically anything they tell you not to do by a pool is inherently funny.
Funny Things
6777. Vomitorium
Cecil Adams sets the record straight on vomitoriums in his column The Straight Dope, but I still prefer the misconception. See also Food.
Funny People
6778. Cheater Police
Otherwise known as the people who ruin board games. See also Nerds.
Funny Phrases
6779. Granny Flab
A headline in today's New York Post read, "Stick-Thin's Unhealthy, but Granny Flab is unsightly." See also Weight.
Funny Products
6780. Gauze Shop
At the inherently funny medical center, there is only one treatment: 1) Just rub some salve on it 2) Apply gauze.