25 Entries Tagged “Canadian”
Funny Places
2. This Street, That Street, and The Other Street
Adjacent street names in Porters Lake, Nova Scotia. See also Canadian.
Funny Observations
3. The Difference Between a New Yorker and a Canadian is Where They Put the A
New Yorker: A! Where you going?
Canadian: Where you going? A?
See also Canadian.
Funny Instruments
5. An Ugly Stick
Also known as a broomstick, tin, and a boot. Found mostly on Newfoundland. See also Canadian.
Funny Places
6. Province of Bob
In a public opinion poll on what Canada's Northwest Territories should be called, some prankster had the idea of calling it "Bob". It made it to the top of the list along with "Denendeh", but ultimately the Northwesterners decided not to rename it. See also Canadian, Pranks.
Funny Places
8. Joe Batt's Arm, Newfoundland
Fishing hamlet in northeastern Canada. See also Canadian.
Funny Places
9. Newfoundland
Probably the least original name ever. You just find a new land, and you call it Newfound Land? See also Canadian.