Funny Animals
Funny Animals
141. Tapir
A pig with a trunk, and a word that will often be challenged in a game of Scrabble.
Funny Animals
142. Kinkajou
A super-cute, furry rainforesty creature with big, dewy eyes that awaken the mother in all members of the female race.
Funny Animals
143. Katydid
Or maybe katydidn't, but she's related to Jimminy Cricket. See also Insects.
Funny Animals
144. Fruit Bats
The largest and only vegetarian bat, it is also known as a flying fox and loves a variety of tiny, sweet bananas called "fruit bat bananas" in the Pacific Islands.
Funny Animals
145. Nutria
Sounds like a health product, but it's really a bad-tempered, invasive swamp rodent related to a musk rat.
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny animal.
Funny Animals
147. Drop Bear
A fictional bear in Australia, known to drop out of trees and rip off faces. See also Made Up.
Funny Animals
149. Wild Horses
According to popular song, animals inexplicably intent on tearing people apart. Dicks.