Funny Animals
Funny Animals
121. Green Heron
Have you seen this bird? It's all small and neckless and then FWOOP, huge neck. See also Birds.
Funny Animals
123. Chicken Turtle
An actual breed of turtle in the American southeast, so named because it tastes like chicken.
Funny Animals
125. Pangolins
Only known scaly mammal, a fact that makes them both super cute and widely trafficked.
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Funny Animals
127. The Croc Ness Monster
Non-native crocodile that somehow ended up in a lake on the Greek island of Crete and has been helping himself to local ducks and lambs. See also Greek.
Funny Animals
129. Tardigrades
Also known as water bears, these microorganisms can live anywhere on Earth and look awfully like eight-legged bears in puffy space suits. See also Science.