Funny Animals
Funny Animals
71. Adactylidium
A type of mite known for its peculiar lifecycle. The male mates with the female in the pregnant animal's body. The mated mite then eat the mother from the inside out and is born pregnant. See also Insects.
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Funny Animals
76. Lowland Streaked Tenrec
An odd cross of a shrew, an opossum, and an otter. See also African.
Funny Animals
78. Potoos
This ugly bird is found in South America and has a cry of MNOOOOOOOOM that sounds like a teenager complaining to her mother. See also Birds.
Funny Animals
80. Quokkas
A marsupial found in Western Australia that's related to kangaroos and wallabies. Let's call this li'l critter a quokka, mate! See also Australian.