Funny Clothes
Funny Clothes
131. Plastic Bread Bags Over Your Shoes
Worn between the shoes and the black rubber overshoes, then taken off (but not thrown away!) upon arriving at school. Very much a Northern thing. Abruptly stops at 7th grade, because that's just not cool, man. See also Food.
Funny Clothes
132. Cagoule
A waterproof jacket, that by definition is either bright orange or bright yellow. Often worn by those over 40 with leather sandles and rainbow socks. See also Middle Age.
Funny Clothes
133. Top Hats Shop
Worn by Vaudeville tap dancers and overzealous kids at prom. See also Old-Timey, Teenagers.
Funny Clothes
135. International Male
Online men's clothing catalog that claims, "Over the years, our name has become synonymous with our merchandise."
Yoo-hoooo! Be a doll and add a funny item of clothing.
Funny Clothes
137. Teddies
Lingerie that combines a camisole and panties, and is therefore also known as a camiknicker. See also 80's, Lingerie.
Funny Clothes
140. Sock Suspenders Shop
Because any woman will tell you there’s nothing sexier than a man with his socks pulled up and his shirt tucked in. See also Old-Timey.