Funny People
Funny People
15. Rad Dudes With Bad 'Tudes
Wow. I would like to know what they can do with "Dudette".
Kind sir, might you lend a hand and add a funny person?
Funny People
16. The Guy That Laughs when the Toilet Water Splashes His Butt
Also known as Donald Trump. See also Bathroom, Politics, Presidents.
Funny People
17. The Babies in Memes Who Grow Up and Have Their Parents Constantly Point Out That They Were a Meme
And the young adults in memes who grow older and have their friends point out they were a meme all the time.
And the middle aged people in memes who grow older and have their children point out they were a meme all the time.
And the old people in memes who will never fully comprehend why they were in a meme to begin with, despite everyone telling them.
And the animals who'll never know they were in a meme, or photographically documented in any way. See also Internet.
Funny People
18. Parents Who Say Their Kid is 20 Months Old
It's one. Just say one and make life easier. See also Parents.
Funny People
19. Morganna the Kissing Bandit
No 70's or 80's baseball player was safe. See also 70's, 80's, Baseball.