Funny Diseases
Funny Diseases
61. Stendhal Syndrom
Rapid heartbeat and possible heart attack as a result of looking at beautiful art. See also Art.
Funny Diseases
62. Cotard's Syndrome
A mental illness in which someone thinks he or she is a walking copse. See also Zombies.
Funny Diseases
63. Cyrus Virus
Marked by twerking, sticking out your tongue, licking hammers, and obsessing over wrecking balls. See also Singers.
Funny Diseases
64. Cataplexy
Every time strong emotions are felt, the muscles weaken dramatically, causing the person to collapse.
Funny Diseases
65. Adolescent Benign Focal Crisis
The inability of teenagers to concentrate. See also Teenagers.
Yoo-hoooo! Be a doll and add a funny disease.
Funny Diseases
67. Pica
People with this disease have the urge to eat things like dirt, paper, glue, and clay and is believed to be linked to mineral deficiency.
Funny Diseases
68. Blue Skin Disorder
A large family (known as the Blue Fugates) lived in Troublesome Creek, Kentucky until the 1960s. Most of them lived past the age of 80, with no serious illnessjust blue skin. The trait was passed on from generation to generation. People with this condition could have blue, plum, indigo, or even purple skin.
Funny Diseases
70. The Mean Reds
Described by Holly Golightly as "Suddenly you're afraid but you don't know what you're afraid of."