Funny Diseases
Funny Diseases
71. Water-Elf Disease
A real disease that affected people during 10th century Europe. The Anglo-Saxon term describes a sudden stabbing pain. Much like rheumatism.
Funny Diseases
72. Saturday Night Palsy
Caused by nerve compression when you pass out in an awkward position. See also Alcohol.
Funny Diseases
73. Galactorrhea
The spontaneous flow of milk from the nipple as a result of excessive Prolactin.
Funny Diseases
75. Witzelsucht
Rare diseases that causes the victim to make bad puns and jokes at inappropriate moments. From the German witzeln, meaning joke and sucht meaning yearning. See also German.
Dude. Do us a solid. Add your own funny disease.
Funny Diseases
76. Trench Mouth
Funny Diseases
78. Yeuk
Yeuk is a 15th century Middle English word used by the Scots meaning "to itch". When not used as a verb, it is may be used to identify a particular sensation, i.e. the irritation of nerve endings in skin or mucous membrane that provokes the desire to scratch oneself silly if alone or look for a speedy exit if one is in mixed company. It's also a popular name for the parasitic disorder "scabies".
Funny Diseases
79. Formication
A hallucinated sensation that insects or snakes are crawling over your skin. See also Insects.
Funny Diseases
80. Gynecomastia
The medical name for man-boobs. Great to image search and make as someone's desktop background.