Funny Insults
Funny Insults
373. Upstart
Describes someone who has quickly risen to a higher social class, and thus behaves pompously.
"You swine!"
"Come again?"
"You worm!"
"Once more."
"You upstart!"
"That's it!"
See also Old-Timey.
Funny Insults
374. Banter Sponge
Someone who takes away all banter from the immediate vicinity; not to be seen as a compliment, as most of you sponges seem to take it.
Funny Insults
375. Russian Doll
Are you a Russian doll?
Because you're full of yourself. See also Russian.
Yoo-hoooo! Be a doll and add a funny insult.
Funny Insults
376. Meretricious
Real word that Merriam-Webster defines as "attractive in a cheap or false way" and "of or relating to a prostitute".
Funny Insults
378. Schlumpadinka
Oprah Winfrey coined this word meaning a person who does not care about themselves, e.g. wears the same pair of jeans with holes for a month, never brushes hair, etc. See also Lazy.
Funny Insults
379. Yo Mama and a Burger Are Like Uranium 235 and Uranium 238
Uranium 235 and Uranium 238 are almost inseparable isotopes. See also Science.
Funny Insults
380. Mumpsimus
A person who continues to misspeak, even after being corrected. Read more about the interesting origins of the word.