Funny Insults
Funny Insults
395. Snooty Poot
One that is stuck up. For example, they have a double-wide trailer and you have a single-wide trailer.
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Funny Insults
396. Ultracrepidarian
A sophisticated word for person who likes to criticize, but does not know what they are talking about.
Funny Insults
397. Flobblewanger
Someone who gets up at six in the morning to buy a McDonald's milk shake. See also Made Up.
Funny Insults
398. Pamplemousse
French for "grapefruit". A Gallic way to call someone fat. See also French.
Funny Insults
399. Hornswoggling Curmudgeon
A cheating, devious, miserable person who is having a bad day and believes that ruining yours will improve theirs. That said, I'm sure if you call anybody with a sense of humor this, it'll put a smile on their face.
Funny Insults
400. Ass-Wagon
Unrelated object partnered with the prefix "Ass-". Effective name for an idiot or moron, e.g. ass-monkey or ass-hat.