Funny Insults
Funny Insults
431. Hintsult
A cross between a hint and and insult. Usually delivered by a dissatisfied significant other, e.g. "Well, honey, maybe if you watched more of my 'chick flicks' you'd get some ideas as to what I want from a man." See also Marriage.
Funny Insults
432. Domeless Wonderboy
From the book A Clockwork Orange, dome refers to one's head; to be domeless therefore is to be brainless and stupid, and a wonder that you manage to do anything at all, making you a wonderboy... a domeless wonderboy, that is. See also Literature.
Funny Insults
433. Nutter
A person that absolutely goes off; a person like Tyler who contributes thousands of words to this website.
Funny Insults
435. Bad Lay
A real self-esteem crusher when yelled at someone in front of others. See also Sex.
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Funny Insults
436. Novice
A better alternative to the common insults, noob or newbie, it refers to someone who is awful at something or at life in general. See also Amateur.
Funny Insults
439. Johnny No-Stars
Funny Insults
440. Dry Drunk
Someone who has given up alcohol but hasn't gotten around to sobering up. See also Alcohol.