Funny Instruments
Funny Instruments
91. Trumpets Festooned With Flags
Almost always played for the king gnawing on a giant turkey leg. See also Medieval, Royalty, Wealth.
Funny Instruments
93. Spoons
I mean, how hard is this to play, really? Two spoons, hit them against your body. Not to be hatin', but how far is that from drumming on the car dashboard when a cool song comes on?
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny instrument.
Funny Instruments
96. Pan Flutes Shop
Instrument of choice for sprites, satyrs, and college kids who wear shorts through the winter. See also Ancient.
Funny Instruments
97. The Ass-Trumpet
Holding a megaphone up to a fart. It's a real head-turner. See also Flatulence.
Funny Instruments
98. Hurdy Gurdy
Immortalized by Donovan in 1967. Most Russian hurdy gurdy performers were purged by Stalin in the 1930's. See also 60's, Music.
Funny Instruments
100. Kazoos Shop
Played professionally in jug bands and by amateurs everywhere. See also Nerds.