Funny Instruments
Funny Instruments
71. French Horns Shop
They collect so much saliva that you have to take them apart to empty it out. See also Annoying.
Funny Instruments
73. Drumbone
Used by the Blue Man Group. Essentially a twisty PVC pipe that slides like a trombone and is played by hitting it with sticks.
Funny Instruments
74. Mellophone
A trumpet on steroids or a baritone that needs a workout? Or maybe just the French horn's American cousin?
Kind sir, might you lend a hand and add a funny instrument?
Funny Instruments
77. Octobass
First, it's almost ten feet tall. Second, it takes two people to play. Third, it doesn't even belong in a bass section. It is a bass section. See also Unnecessary.
Funny Instruments
78. Whip Cracks
Two 2x4s were hinged together and slapped against each another by yours truly in the attempt to make a sound like a whip in our Sleigh Bells rendition. My hair flew backwards and my expression became pinched each time I slapped them together.
Funny Instruments
80. Slide Whistle Shop
A mini trombone used to annoy parents, siblings, etc. Sounds like this.