Funny Instruments
Funny Instruments
53. Recorders
Torture Idea: Place victim in a room filled with beginner recorder players. Could also work with violins.
Funny Instruments
54. The String in a Cup
Oh, your child plays the violin, does he? And yours plays the trombone? Pssh. My child is a virtuoso string in a cup player.
Dude. Do us a solid. Add your own funny instrument.
Funny Instruments
56. Double-belled Euphoniums
The choice instrument of any parade in the Roaring Twenties. See also 20's, Old-Timey.
Funny Instruments
57. Oboe D'amour
Oboe of love. But how romantic can an oboe get? See also Music, Romance.
Funny Instruments
58. Paperclip
For fairly obvious reasons, the translation of the French word for trombone. See also French.
Funny Instruments
59. Gutbucket
Also called a washtub base. Basically a bucket with a string attached to a broom handle that's nearly impossible to tune.
Funny Instruments
60. Child Instruments
E.g. rubber bands as harps, pots and pans as drums, and toilet paper rolls as trumpets.