Guest Entries
Funny Diseases
3421. Jumping Frenchmen of Maine
A sufferer of this disease displays highly exaggerated movements, and tend to leap out wildly. And despite the unusual name, it really exists.
Funny Books
3422. The Phone Book
Book mostly used for things other than finding a phone number, e.g. a step reach something high or as a prop for a muscle man to tear in half.
Funny Words
3423. Battycatter
Newfoundland word meaning ice that forms on the rocks along the shore. See also Canadian.
Funny Foods
3427. Potato
Po·ta·to [puh-tey-toh, -tuh]
Noun, plural po·ta·toes
1. The perfect awkward silence breaker.
2. The awesomest food on earth.
3. The main ingredient in french fries, except for McDonalds where the main ingredient is corn.
Funny Insults
3429. Hornswoggling Curmudgeon
A cheating, devious, miserable person who is having a bad day and believes that ruining yours will improve theirs. That said, I'm sure if you call anybody with a sense of humor this, it'll put a smile on their face.
Funny Sayings
3430. I'll Hold Your Beer
What you say to somebody after they (usually drunkenly) claim they are going to do something that everyone but them knows its blatantly stupid. See also Alcohol, Drunk.