Guest Entries
Funny Words
3611. Hoi Polloi
The general populace; the masses. "The queen would rarely condescend to speak to the hoi polloi."
Funny Words
3612. Carbuncle
Funny Words
3613. Glom
Grab hold of; appropriate to oneself, as in "glommed on to her ideas." So, I don't know if it was correct that my mother often said at dinner "Don't glom your food!"
Funny Words
3614. Gobsmacked
One of my favorite words, of late. Seems to be infiltrating the U.S. via the recent influx of TV programming from the U.K., perhaps? See also British.
Funny Diseases
3616. Rhinotillexomania
Habitual or obsessive nose-picking. See also Body, Sophomoric.
Funny Words
3619. Peeve
A noun, as in "pet peeve". Is there any type of peeve that's not a pet peeve?