Guest Entries
Funny Words
4161. Caddywampus
The state of being grossly out of alignment, skewed, or uneven. A great Midwestern phrase; make sure to pronounce with a long 'E' for the full effect. See also Slang.
Funny Words
4162. Higgledy-Piggledy
Askew, without prior planning, or every which way. See also Slang.
Funny Clothes
4165. Jorts
Jeans plus shorts equal jorts. They simply look ridiculous and are incredibly uncomfortable. After 4th grade, retire these.
Funny Instruments
4166. Two or More Tubas Playing at the Same Time
And why are tubas only played by fat people? The quicker, skinnier people grab all the flutes or something? See also Bands, Music, Parades.
Funny Things
4168. Cancer Kazoo
Used by people who smoked and have developed cancer. It is that tube that comes out of their throat. It looks like a Kazoo and the muffle from the microphone device they use sounds strangely similar to that of said Kazoo.