Guest Entries
Funny Insults
4211. Nincompoop
Funny Euphemisms
4213. Knock the Dew Off the Lilly
I don't know where this came from, but when I was a kid and had to go to the bathroom in the woods, this is what we would say.
Funny Quotes
4214. "I guess what I'm trying to say is, if I can change, and you can change, everybody can change."
Rocky Balboa addresing the Soviet Union andas Bill Simmons recently pointed outending the Cold War. See also Boxing, Movies.
Funny Words
4217. Besmirched
Funny Nicknames
4219. Spunky
Funny Words
4220. Jiggery-Pokery
This is a strong contender for the "it sounds dirty, but isn't" crown. Depending, naturally, on whether such a crown exists.