Guest Entries
Funny Things to Do
4241. Footbagging
The generic for hacky sack. In a sentence:
"Has anyone seen Paulie?"
"Last I saw he was footbagging on the Sheep's Lawn with those Danish kids we met at the bar last night."
Funny Dances
4242. Myposian Dance of Joy
As performed by Balki on Perfect Strangers. See also 80's, Sitcom.
Funny Phrases
4244. Mekalekahi Meka Hiney Ho
Magic words from Pee-wee's Playhouse, a tv show in which Pee-Wee Herman once married a bowl of fruit. See also 80's.
Funny Animals
4246. Llamas
Referenced in Monty Python Skits. Monty Python also accredited most of the making of Monty Python and the Holy Grail to llamas in the opening credits.
Funny Diseases
4249. Mange
It's funny to think of people contracting a dog disease like the mange. Heartworm too.
Funny Phrases
4250. Let's Jolly Well March Down There and Set Things Right
Typical vague British plan. See also British.