Yeetaleetthesecond's Entries
Funny Sayings
152. The Wafflehouse Has Found Its New Host
A copypasta that's been going around everywhere. It's honestly starting to become more annoying than funny.
Funny Anti-Jokes
154. What Did the Caveman Say to the Other Caveman?
I have no clue, probably along the lines of "Ooga Booga" because there was no proper languages back then.
Funny Conveyances
157. Oscar-Mayer Wienermobile
A vehicle in the shape of a hot dog in a bun. Tasty.
Funny Conveyances
158. Pea Car
An actual car in the shape of my least favorite vegetable. See also Cars, Vegetables.
Funny Conveyances
159. L’Oeuf Electrique
Also called the Electric Egg. It’s an electric vehicle made for when there was a fuel shortage during World War II.
Funny Conveyances
160. Popemobile
Apparently, a vehicle used for when the Pope makes public appearances.