Yeetaleetthesecond's Entries
Funny Questions
123. If Brown Cows Produce Chocolate Milk Does Trump Produce Orange Juice?
Thanks to bob on the submission "The rest of the fingerless gloves" for this one.
Funny Advice
126. Drinking whiskey? Put a teabag in there to avoid being judged for day drinking.
See also Alcohol.
Funny Dances
128. The Ice Cream & Cake
Only slightly move your arms back and forth slowly. There's a YouTube video if you need a reference.
Funny Observations
129. German Words Seem to be the Most Contributed and the Funniest out of the Words.
See also German.
Funny Phrases
130. I'm in So Much T-Pain Right Now!
A perfect thing to say if you hurt yourself and using autotune.