Yeetaleetthesecond's Entries
Funny Dances
132. The Ice Cream & Cake
Only slightly move your arms back and forth slowly. There's a YouTube video if you need a reference.
Funny Observations
133. German Words Seem to be the Most Contributed and the Funniest out of the Words.
See also German.
Funny Phrases
134. I'm in So Much T-Pain Right Now!
A perfect thing to say if you hurt yourself and using autotune.
Funny Insults
135. You Look Like Someone That Accidentally Leaves Their Turn Signal on for 5 Blocks
See also Cars.
Funny Advice
137. If You Sleep Until Lunch, You Can Save Your Breakfast Money for Something Else.
See also Breakfast.
Funny Advice
140. Take your kids to a pumpkin patch and let them pick out the biggest pumpkin. Then make them carry it to the car.
They’ll never ask to go back again.