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Funny Phobias
3722. Automatonophobia
Fear of ventriloquist's dummies, animatronic creatures, wax statues, or anything that falsely represents a sentient being. Let's be honest though, those things are pretty creepy.
Funny Clothes
3723. North Korea Jeans
Note, it's now illegal to wear jeans in North Korea. See also Korean.
Funny Animals
3724. Fainting Goats
Also called myotonic, goats that faint and collapse when they get startled or excited. See also Cute.
Funny Things
3726. Napoleon in a Chamber Pot
Long ago, people who hated Napoleon put a clay figure of him in their chamber pots so they could relieve themselves on him. See also Bathroom, French, Scatological.
Funny Sayings
3727. Fool Me Once, Shame on Me, but Teach a Man to Fool Me, and I'll be Fooled for the Rest of My Life
Funny Sayings
3728. We'll Burn That Bridge when We Come to It
Fun Fact, he word for "mixed metaphor" is "malaphor." See also Idioms.
Funny Clothes
3729. American Flag Pins
A sure sign that you're running for president. See also Patriotic, Politics.
Funny Movies
3730. Rat Pfink A Boo Boo Shop
A 60's movie with the world's silliest title. See also 60's.