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Funny Things to Do
3733. Drinking a Drink With a Spoon
It's like soup, and takes twice as long. See also Utensils.
Funny Foods
3734. Heavenly Hounds Shop
Peanut butter biscuit for dogs to chew on during extended periods of stress, especially Independence Day. See also Dogs.
Funny Things to Do
3735. Using a Tampon to Stop a Nosebleed
It actually works. As a result, a buddy of mine carries a tampon in his first aid kit.
Funny Things
3737. Vintage Pencil Sharpeners
Always with the a crank handle and a spinning wheel of eight widths, even though all pencils come in one width. Also known as the Wrist-Breaker 5000. See also Old-Timey.
Funny Places
3738. Le Tampon
A town in Réunion, a French-owned island in the Indian Ocean. See also French.
Funny Clothes
3739. Watermelon Motorcycle Helmet
The product of a company in Kazakhstan that produces odd motorcycle helmets. Other products include a cracked walnut, a brain, and a bald head.
Funny Names
3740. Phil Slow Down
A sheep farmer who changed his name as part of a campaign in Australia to get people to drive slowly on country roads.