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Funny Things
5702. 1970's Metal Lunchboxes With a Glass-Lined Thermos
For children. Inside a metal lunch box. Didn't matter if it was Barbie, Hong Kong Fooey, or Hot Wheels; the Thermos bottle had a glass lining. The lining would last approximately two days, if it didn't in fact break on the way to school. I remember actually pursing my lips and actually drinking my milk through the glass. It took the lunchbox people around eight years or so figure out that it was a bad idea. See also 70's, Children, Schools.
Funny Things to Do
5703. Shaving With a Real Knife
As perfected by Crocodile Dundee. See also Bathroom.
Funny Things to Do
5704. Gesticulating With a Pipe
Even if you don't smoke a pipe, still have one on you so that you can hold it by the bowl and give emphasis to your statements by gesticulating with it. See also Old-Timey, Tobacco.
Funny Sayings
5705. Crap a Sh*t
When cursing becomes so bland it turns into a statement. See also Profanity.
Funny Things
5706. Preformationism
Seventeenth century theory that all organisms were created at the same time and exist as fully-formed but miniature versions of themselves until birth. See also Biology.
Funny Products
5707. Rack’Em Bed Buddy Home Defense Gun Holder Shop
Keep your shotgun accessible while lying in bed. See also Violence, Weapons.
Funny Words
5708. Avuncular
To be related to an uncle, or suggestive of an uncle, especially in kindliness or geniality. I eat when I'm feeling avuncular. See also Family.
Funny Things to Do
5710. Holding Your Woman's Purse
Simultaneously sad and hilarious. Ten times so when there's a gaggle of fellows outside a woman's clothing store. Does not matter if it's your wife or your girlfriend; You, my brother, have surrendered any and all power in the relationship. It is a line that, once crossed, can be impossible to re-cross. May God have mercy on what is left of your masculine soul.