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Funny Clothes
6341. LA Gear
Somehow even the celebrity endorsements of Michael Jackson, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, and Belinda Carlisle couldn't sell these bedazzled shoes to Middle America. See also 80's.
Funny Insults
6343. Dry Drunk
Someone who has given up alcohol but hasn't gotten around to sobering up. See also Alcohol.
Funny Phrases
6344. Women's Bra
Thanks to the possibly 8-year-old commenter under Door-to-Door Salesman for this gem. See also Clothes, Redundant, Sophomoric.
Funny Places
6345. International House of Pancakes
Because there's no better way to experience the world's cuisines than through pancake toppings. See also Food, Restaurants.
Funny Names
6346. Commodore
Self-appointed title of the head of the Church of Scientology, L. Ron Hubbard.
Funny Animals
6350. Aquatic Scrotum
The aquatic scrotum, the scientific name for a frog which generally resides in Lake Titicaca, is a large, wrinkly frog, with layers of skin that it uses to breathe. They're considered to be good luck because they supposedly bring rain, and are honored, hugged, kissed and stroked until the rain comes, when they are released back into their natural habitat. See also Sophomoric.