Funny Drinks
Funny Drinks
111. Booze Secretly Poured into the Punch Bowl
A cliche, sure, but hey, let's liven up this Lutheran Social Services Senior Dance! I mean, it's not like anyone's going to get pregnant! See also Alcohol, Pranks.
Funny Drinks
114. Faygo Shop
Low-priced Pepsi and Coke alternative and sister beverage of Shasta soda. Flavors of Faygo include Jazzin’ Blues Berry, Diet Chocolate Cream Pie, and Grape.
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny drink.
Funny Drinks
117. Postum Shop
Instant, coffee alternative for people who like coffee, but don’t like coffee. See also Coffee, Elderly.
Funny Drinks
119. Cochicken
A boneless chicken blended with Coca-Cola and additional seasonal ingredients.