Funny Drinks
Funny Drinks
133. Buttery Nipple
It has some kind of alcohol, (I usually put in Kaluha or Tortuga Rum) and a crap-load of butterscotch. See also Sophomoric.
Funny Drinks
135. Screaming Orgasm
Vodka, Bailey's Irish Cream, Kahlua, and a dash of mook. See also Alcohol, Sophomoric.
Yoo-hoooo! Be a doll and add a funny drink.
Funny Drinks
136. Vodka Tonic
Simple. Boring. Bland. Just like your entire life, you striped-shirt-wearing douchebag. See also Alcohol.
Funny Drinks
137. Brown Cow
I mixture of milk and root beer. It's actually pretty good but remember to put the milk in first because otherwise it curdles.