Funny Drinks
Funny Drinks
101. Slice
Discontinued soda that came in orange, lemon-line, and a Dr. Pepper-flavored knockoff called Dr. Slice. Depicted in commercials as the preferred beverage of baseball players and models. See also 80's, 90's, Commercials.
Funny Drinks
102. Strong Island Ice Tea
A long island ice tea made extra strong; also a way to announce "I'm here to get hosed." I once saw a bartender almost throw a guy out for trying to order one of these. See also Alcohol, Drunk.
Funny Drinks
103. Brandy Alexander
Or really, any cocktail that contains half-and-half or heavy cream. See also Alcohol.
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny drink.
Funny Drinks
106. Champale
A sparkling malt beverage brewed and distributed by the Pabst Brewing Company. See also Alcohol.
Funny Drinks
107. Boss Sauce
What Steve Urkel drinks to become his suave alter ego Stefan Urquelle. See also 90's, Sitcom, Television.
Funny Drinks
108. Marie Brizard
Undrinkable brand of fruit liquors that's also responsible for such bottom-shelf efforts as San José Tequila, Litchao, Old Lady’s Gin, and La Mauny Punch. See also Alcohol.