Funny Toys
Funny Toys
12. Batman Squirt Gun
Pull a trigger extending from Batman's crotch to squirt water from his mouth.
Funny Toys
15. Corn Cob Dolls
Laura Ingalls Wilder played with a corn cob wrapped in a handkerchief. She pretended it was a regular doll. See also Literature.
Yoo-hoooo! Be a doll and add a funny toy.
Funny Toys
16. Random Outside Stuff
Grass, dirt, etc. For when your parents kick you outside. See also Parents.
Funny Toys
18. Just a Normal Pony
It's just a normal toy pony until you cut it in half. Then there is a cut off dolls head inside! With a ponytail for the tail for the pony.
Funny Toys
19. Angry Birds Knock on Wood Shop
A board game version of the video game for, I don’t know, the Amish? See also Video Games.
Funny Toys
20. Cast Iron Banks That Flip Coins Inside
Around the turn of the 19th century, an insidious way to get others to put coins in your bank. Flips 'em in faster than you can actually see, so it has to be done again and again. Also doubles as a weapon -- heavy blunt object in a kid's room. See also Old-Timey.