Funny Toys
Funny Toys
31. B'Loonies
You blow them into shapes…kind of like you blow balloons into shapes…except these aren’t balloons…they’re b’loonies and they are apparently made out of highly flammable materials. See also Balloons.
Funny Toys
32. Cursed Dollies
They look cute, but don't let them fool you! Burn them before they bring misfortune to your family! See also Horror.
Psst. Got something funnier? Add your own funny toy.
Funny Toys
36. Breath Blasters
Rubber figures from the 80's that exhaled bad smells when squeezed. Later banned because they were toxic, even though they were marketed as nontoxic. See also 80's.
Funny Toys
37. Frozen SUVs Shop
The preferred mode of transportation of spoiled, six-year-old girls everywhere.
Funny Toys
39. Lalaloopsy Potty Surprise Shop
A doll that magically poops a surprise, random shape. See also Dolls, Scatological.