Funny Anti-Jokes
Funny Anti-Jokes
84. What Do You Call Cheese That Isn’t Yours?
Stolen. Stealing is bad and you should return it.
Kind sir, might you lend a hand and add a funny anti-joke?
Funny Anti-Jokes
86. Think of a Number Between 0 and 20.
Add 32.
Multiply it by 2.
Subtract 1.
Close your eyes.
Dark, isn't it?
See also Math, Pranks.
Funny Anti-Jokes
87. What Do You Call a Hippo with No Head, Eyes, Body or Legs?
A hippo tail. Nothing else is left.
Funny Anti-Jokes
88. Here's One for You: 1
Funny Anti-Jokes
89. What Do You Call a Pregnant Woman When Her Child is Born?
A mother. See also Parents.