Guest Entries
Funny Words
3691. Diphthong
The combination of two vowel sounds in one syllable to form one speech sound... ouch!
Funny Places
3692. Blue Ball, Pennsylvania
According to Wikipedia, an unincorporated community in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania. See also Amish, Sophomoric.
Funny Animals
3693. Chalicotherium
Probably the most bizarre-looking extinct mammal ever, this ancient relative of the horse and the rhino resembled a cross between a bear, a tapir, and a moose, but walked on its knuckles like a gorilla. See also Ancient.
Funny People
3694. Alvin Stardust
Obscure glam-rock/pop musician best known for his number two hit "My Coo-Ca-Choo". See also 70's, Music, Singers.
Funny Foods
3695. Rhubarb
The only vegetable used in pies. Very sour and very funny to say. See also Dessert.
Funny TV Shows
3696. 20 Minute Workout
This show burst onto the scene in the early 80's, usually with 2 to 3 girls performing an aerobic excerise routine. My brother would watch the show...not because he was "following" the routine.. but because he thought the girls were cute.
They matched their bodysuits, leggings...
Bess Motta the lead instructor was awesome! See also 80's, Aerobics, Exercise.
Funny Instruments
3697. Octocontrabass Clarinet
A gigantic clarinet with a range so low it is inaudible to humans. See also Unnecessary.
Funny Names
3698. Wackford Squeers
A major antagonist in Charles Dickes's satirical novel Nicholas Nickleby. His character is as bizarre as his namea sadistic one-eyed Yorkshire schoolmaster, obsessed with beating children. See also Fictional, Literature.
Funny Euphemisms
3700. A "Crisis"
Also known as a "Victorian Crisis", this is an euphemism most famously used in the works of D.H. Lawrence and meaning an orgasm, e.g. "Miss Mercy Plimpington! Where are you, young harlot?" "She can't talk now, love. She's having a crisis." "Oh I say!" See also Old-Timey, Romance.