Yeetaleetthesecond's Entries
Funny Euphemisms
225. Found On Road Dead
What people like to call Fords. Funny enough, my sister has a sticker on her Focus that says "This is not an abandoned vehicle." See also Cars.
What people like to call Fords. Funny enough, my sister has a sticker on her Focus that says "This is not an abandoned vehicle." See also Cars.
Mark my words, I WILL be the top contributor to Inherently Funny. Not counting the Guest account though, because that's literally impossible. Knocked Loose is the best fucking band.
Random stats:
23 featured entries needed to overtake Frank.
Most liked post of mine is 216 likes (How to fall down a flight of stairs.).
100th featured entry of mine is Sternutaphobia.
1st featured entry of mine is Monopoly.
71 featured entries needed to overtake Ryan.
Currently 6th in the Top Contributors leaderboard (again, not counting the Guest account, 1st is Ryan in this case).
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