Yeetaleetthesecond's Entries
Funny Things to Do
481. Go Up to a Random Stranger and Begin to Tell Your Life Story.
It all started when I was born...
Funny Videos
483. Suction Cup Man
Inspired by a guy that tried to climb Trump Tower. Made by Piemations. Hilarious guy. See also Profanity.
Funny Things to Do
484. Putting Things Through Google Translate Multiple Times
Put it through a certain language, then back to English, then repeat. Being that it's not too accurate, the saying can get really screwed up after a while. See also Internet, Language.
Funny Advice
485. If You Can't Afford a Pet, Don't Get One
This is how you prevent pets from being in homes they shouldn't be in. See also Pets.
Funny Words
486. Impignorate
Surprisingly, it has nothing to do with pigs. You’ll have to mortgage something to use it though.
Funny Anti-Jokes
487. How Can You Share This Website Without Being Online?
1. Approach a human being.
2. Move your throat and mouth in the correct way that sound comes out and is eligible to be understood. Make sure you talk in the language that they understand.
3. Use that previous step to spout out encouraging words about this site.
Funny People
488. Thunder Bolt
Usain Bolt's daughter. I get that your last name is Bolt, but come on! For a daughter? She's gonna get bullied to a pulp in school! See also Celebrities.
Funny Foods
489. Squid-ink Spaghetti
Seriously, who would eat crap that looks like it got burnt to a crisp?? See also Gross.
Funny Foods
490. Unicorn Balls
Literally shows a unicorn showing off its balls on the front. Refused to eat them because I would get grossed out by the picture.