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Funny Anti-Jokes
2421. What Do You Call a Ordinary Person?
Nothing, they will be forgotten in 30 years.
Funny Instruments
2424. Goat and Sheep Intestines Full of Blood
Inspissate it with mucus, then play it. Basically the vibes.
Funny Questions
2425. What is a foot long, is made mostly of leather, and sounds like a sneeze?
A Shoe. See also Shoes.
Funny Quotes
2427. "When life closes a door, just open it again. It's a door, that's how they work."
- Captain Obvious
Funny Clothes
2428. Underwear Hat
Usually worn by little kids who don't want to go to bed.
Especially stylish with pony tails or pig tails sticking out of the leg holes.
Funny Clothes
2429. The Flimsy Crepe Paper Crowns Found in Christmas Crackers
You either wear them all Christmas Day then throw it out, or you immediately throw it out, or you insist on keeping it forever and ever to remember the wonderful holiday you had and then forget about it's existence until the next Christmas when you wonder where your previous one went. See also Christmas.
Funny Foods
2430. Mud Pie
Offered to adults by small children, and never actually eaten by them. Sometimes consumed by the chef. Usually prerequesitory to a bath or shower or backyard hose. See also Children.