All Entries
Funny Anti-Jokes
3792. What Did One Stranger Say to the Other Stranger?
Nothing. They didn't know each other.
Funny Anti-Jokes
3793. What Did the German Man Say to the German Woman?
Hallo, wie geht es dir? See also German.
Funny Things to Do
3794. Tossing Popcorn and Catching It in Your Mouth
Usually results in a huge mess, but a much more fun way of eating it. See also Old-Timey.
Funny Things to Do
3795. Barbarian Running
A sport in which you run as far as possible while yelling. If you breathe, you have to stop running.
Funny Sayings
3797. Dinosaurs Were Invented by the CIA to Discourage Time Travel
See also Conspiracies, Dinosaurs.
Funny Videos
3798. Shoes
The strangest thing on the internet when it came but now its a drop of weirdness in an ocean of youtube. See also Shoes, Weird.
Funny Anti-Jokes
3799. Why Didn't the Time Machine Work?
Because the concept of a time machine breaks several laws of physics. See also Science.
Funny Things to Do
3800. Eating Corn on the Cob with Chopsticks
Keeps the little ones busy for hours.