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Funny Insults
4402. You'd Struggle to Pour Water out of a Boot That Had the Instructions on the Heel
Funny Insults
4403. Landlubber
One who spends his life on land, as opposed to one at sea. A favorite insult of pirates. See also Pirates.
Funny Things
4404. Dad Humor
"Look, there's a flock of cows!"
"Herd of cows, Dad."
"Heard of 'em? There's a whole flock right over there!"
"Dad, I'm hungry."
"Hi, Hungry, I'm Dad."
"Dad, can you make me a sandwich?"
"Poof. You're a sandwich."
Funny Insults
4405. Chucklehead, Imbecile, Clod Pole, Noodle, and Turkey
When you google "idiot definition," these are five of the many options provdided under synonyms.
Funny Words
4407. Fartsdump
A Norwegian word for speedbump. Look out, it's a fartsdump! See also Norwegian.