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Funny Words
4621. Schmaltzy
A Yiddish word meaning "chicken fatty", or "greasy," describes extreme gushing, over-the-top flattery, or corniness. See also Yiddish.
Funny Words
4622. Schtick
A Yiddish word for what a person is known to do, or the M.O. (modus operandi), such as a comedian's schtick that keeps them coming back for more. See also Yiddish.
Funny Animals
4624. Nutria
Sounds like a health product, but it's really a bad-tempered, invasive swamp rodent related to a musk rat.
Funny Animals
4625. Fruit Bats
The largest and only vegetarian bat, it is also known as a flying fox and loves a variety of tiny, sweet bananas called "fruit bat bananas" in the Pacific Islands.
Funny Animals
4626. Katydid
Or maybe katydidn't, but she's related to Jimminy Cricket. See also Insects.
Funny Animals
4627. Kinkajou
A super-cute, furry rainforesty creature with big, dewy eyes that awaken the mother in all members of the female race.
Funny Animals
4628. Tapir
A pig with a trunk, and a word that will often be challenged in a game of Scrabble.
Funny Animals
4629. Mexican Axolotl
A strange salamander resembling a naked newt with a cartoon smiley face. See also Reptiles.
Funny Animals
4630. Aye Aye
A small, Madagascar lemur that can easily be mistaken for a gremlin. See also African.