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Funny Conveyances
4821. "Party" Wagon
When viewed on basic cable, the name of the bright yellow truck in the beginning of Kill Bill Vol. 1 with big pink lettering on the tailgate. Known in movie theaters as the P**** Wagon.
Funny Foods
4822. Kiwano
Spikey fruit. Usually yellow or orange, synonymous with African Tomato. The insides are greenish, and you extract the insides with a spoon, or by sucking on a slice or wedge. See also Fruits.
Funny Insults
4823. Ass-Wagon
Unrelated object partnered with the prefix "Ass-". Effective name for an idiot or moron, e.g. ass-monkey or ass-hat.
Funny Questions
4825. Google Questions
1. Go to
2. Type in the beginning of a question, for example: What is... When... or Why did... into the search bar.
3. Watch the hilarious suggestions cascade downward. See also Computers, Internet.
Funny Phrases
4827. Derping
A generalized term for someone that just made a mistake, did something idiotic, or effed up. Cartwheel into a table: Hurp derp durr.
Funny Sayings
4828. You Can Only Fish for So Long...
...until you have to put a stick of dynamite in the water. From the Big Bang Theory. Sentimental note about getting things done. See also Television.
Funny Diseases
4829. Water-Elf Disease
A real disease that affected people during 10th century Europe. The Anglo-Saxon term describes a sudden stabbing pain. Much like rheumatism.
Funny Dances
4830. Gangnam Style Horsey Dance
Just in case you've been in a coma the past year and haven't seen the video. See also Korean.