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Funny Sayings
4881. You Can Only Fish for So Long...
...until you have to put a stick of dynamite in the water. From the Big Bang Theory. Sentimental note about getting things done. See also Television.
Funny Diseases
4882. Water-Elf Disease
A real disease that affected people during 10th century Europe. The Anglo-Saxon term describes a sudden stabbing pain. Much like rheumatism.
Funny Dances
4883. Gangnam Style Horsey Dance
Just in case you've been in a coma the past year and haven't seen the video. See also Korean.
Funny Things to Do
4885. Queen Anne Fan
Showing disdain by raising your thumb to your noise and wiggling your fingers. See also British.
Funny Clothes
4886. Wooden Hats
Funny Sayings
4889. He Does Everything Like He's Killing Snakes
A person who can't focus but takes on every task with excessive vim. And vigor. See also Reptiles.