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Funny Animals
4993. Bushtit
A type of small bird, the name of which manages to suggest and even flaunt three naughty words. See also Profanity, Sophomoric.
Funny Toys
4995. Shuttlecocks
The object that is struck back and forth in badminton and battledore, consisting of a feathered cork head and a plastic crown. Also called a "birdie". See also Sophomoric, Sports.
Funny Movies
4996. Mother, May I Sleep with Danger? Shop
The Lifetime Original movie (1996) staring Tori Spelling about a college student that falls into abusive relationship... the plot isn't as funny as the title.
Funny Advice
4998. If You Meet a Man in a Saloon, Don't Come Crying to Me when You End Up with a Drunk
This advice was my mom's standard when I asked about finding a husband qnd marrying some day. The kicker is that she met my dad... yep, you guessed it, in a saloon. See also Love, Marriage.