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Funny People
5405. Fun Dad
Normal Dad just gives you a check in your birthday card....
Fun Dad has a $20 bill up his sleeve which "magically" slides into your hand when the handshake is over.
There is a fine, fine line between Fun Dad and Creepy Uncle. See also Parents.
Funny Places
5406. Costco
The free samples must be parent-aproved, the toothbrushes are next to the inflatable pools, the products change weekly, and there are at least 4 people who live somewhere in its warehousey wonderland. See also Suburbs.
Funny Things
5407. The Gay Ear
When getting a piercing, the ear a young, straight man must insure goes unpunctured. It's the left, right? See also Body, Sophomoric.
Funny Things to Do
5408. Facebookery
Because Facebooking is just too boring a verb. See also Computers, Internet.
Funny Books
5409. The Russian Tale About the Prince and His Thumbs
Here's the basic story. Once there was a prince who sucked his thumbs. His mother got so sick of it that she said, "If you suck on your thumbs ever again, you will not have no thumbs."
That night, the prince went into the dining room and sucked his thumbs.
Now he has no thumbs. See also Russian.