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Funny Drinks
5911. Marie Brizard
Undrinkable brand of fruit liquors that's also responsible for such bottom-shelf efforts as San José Tequila, Litchao, Old Lady’s Gin, and La Mauny Punch. See also Alcohol.
Funny TV Shows
5912. Captain N: The Game Master
With his trusty NES Zapper and Power Pad holstered in his belt, Kevin Keene and his band of unlikely heroes clashed again and again with the forces of King Hippo, Dr. Wily, and the infamous Mother Brain throughout the domain of Videoland. See also 80's, Cartoons, Video Games.
Funny Things
5913. Dick Stick
The small, silver handle that flushes a urinal. Why's it called a dick stick? Well, think about the last thing your hand touches before you touch it. And then think about all the guys that preceded you. See also Bathroom.
Funny Drinks
5914. Strawberry Yum-Yum
A strawberry drink mixed with rum and vodka. See also Alcohol.
Funny Foods
5916. Freshen Up Gum Shop
Gum that bursts with flavored gel when you bite into it. The gum seemed innocent enough when I chewed it as a kid, but I've noticed it's since been sexed up as “The Gum That Goes Squirt”. See also 80's, Candy, Innuendo.
Funny Phrases
5917. Garden Variety
Especially when used to describe things that do not sound so innocent and commonplace, such as "garden-variety nuclear reactors."
Funny Things to Do
5919. Taking a Power Shower
A precursor to the dressing drink. See also Alcohol, Bathroom.
Funny Toys
5920. Wooly Willie
As far as I know, Wooly Willie remains the only toy to have successfully turned metal filings into a plaything. The popularity of Wooly Willie later beget Dapper Dan the Magnetic Man, Hair-Do Harriet, and Whiskers the Cat. See also 50's.