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Funny Clothes
6501. Mismatched Converse All-Stars
The wearing of two different colors of Converse All-Stars was a sitcom shorthand for "wacky friend" during the 80's. See also Television.
Funny Products
6502. Trapper Keepers Shop
The only secure way to store your grade-school files. See also 80's, Schools.
Funny Foods
6505. Magpie Pie
Funny People
6507. Nigel
Can be used in a variety of linguistic combinations: 'no-mate-nigel' (a geeky kid with no friends), 'nippy-nigel' (the hyper, weird boy in all of your science classes who asks for extra homework and rides a bike everywhere), 'nigel' (standalone term for any variety of geek. The rule of pop-probability states that in any given computer retail store there will be at least one manager named Nigel), 'nigelfest' (a gathering of geeks. Geekage en mass, if you will.) See also Nerds.
Funny Things to Do
6508. Mr. T Welding
This happened at least once in every A-Team episode. See also 80's, Television.