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Funny Things to Do
7131. Scrooge McDuck Diving into a Mound of Coins
Have you ever tried this? It hurts. See also Animals, Disney, Fictional.
Funny Dances
7132. The Bartman
A popular but non-existent dance during the early 90's. If someone claims that what you're doing isn't a dance, just tell them you're doing the Bartman. See also 90's, Simpsons.
Funny Words
7133. Chimp
Everyone thinks that jokes about monkeys are funny. Subsitute the word "chimp" for "monkey," though, and it's guaranteed to be even a little bit funnier.
Funny Words
7134. Callipygian
According to, this fancy sounding word means "having beautifully proportioned buttocks," as in "the quest for the callipygian ideal."
Funny Words
7135. Webinar
This is a word for a seminar held on the web, but I think "web seminar" would have worked just fine. See also Computers.
Funny Phrases
7136. The Underwear That's Fun to Wear
This is the Underoos slogan, and it remains very hard to argue with.
Funny People
7137. Peter Scolari
Tom Hanks's co-star on Bosom Buddies, Peter Scolari also played the Rick Moranis role in Honey, I Shrunk the Kids: The TV Show. See also 80's.
Funny Things to Do
7138. Licking Your Fingers Before Turning a Page
Does this work? I do not believe it does. See also Arrogant, Casual.